Monday, December 2, 2013


I have been so bad about keeping up with this but these few weeks have been absolute insanity!!  I hope everyone's holidays are going well.  I had a great Thanksgiving filled with family and of course food!!  I didn't over stuff myself on Thanksgiving, I just ate until I was barely full.  I am very nervous about the next few weeks though because I have finals coming up and I am nervous my sleep schedule will just be thrown completely to wayside.  The library at my school will open 24 hours a day during the time of finals and they have local business donate food for us.  It is a great service but again it's a trap for unhealthy habits.  I am in the honors college at my University and the head of the honors college recently put out an email of good habits to have during finals times in order to be successful.  I am going to try and implement some of those and see how it works out.  I am going to try and work out during finals week too because that will release endorphins and also motivate me to study.

I am also worried about going home for a month.  I go back in 15 days which is crazy.  I can honestly say the first semester of my freshman year at college has flown by.  I am happy though that I have pretty much maintained my weight which is not what I wanted entirely because I wanted to lose weight but it is better than gaining.  I am happy to say that I will not fall to the freshman 15!!  I just don't want to go home and stay up until two every night and sleep until 12.  I am going to try and get to sleep at reasonable hours most nights and wake up around 9 or 10 and just relax.  I am also going to work over break.  I am strapped for cash and I have books and general expenses coming right around the corner next semester.  I would like to get a job at school maybe somewhere in the mall.  I intended on getting a job as soon as I got to school but there was a lot of adjusting that needed to take place before I got a job.  Hopefully businesses will still be hiring even after the holiday season.  Anyway this has been a very long post but I had a free few minutes and felt I should get this up.  More to come in the near distant future.

Ta ta,

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