In college, disease is everywhere. Whether its an STD, common cold, pink eye, and everyone's favorite: the flu. The flu is an illness that can strike at any time of year but it loves to rear its ugly head during the winter months especially. This season in particular when I got back from winter break my three of my close friends had the flu. Like straight up flu with medicine and the whole bit. My roommate was also sick for a period of time. One thing they don't tell you about college is that when you are sick, you simply have to trudge on. You have to keep up with your work and this means sometimes you have to go to class sick. This being said when these people that I spend a lot of time with at school got sick, I assumed eventually I would succumb to flu. To my surprise this didn't happen.
Then I went home this weekend. We had a long weekend so I went home. I really don't know what is it about going but I never seem to get enough sleep. I am constantly just going going and never really get enough sleep. So I get back to school Sunday and everything is fine. Last night I am studying and I can feel myself getting sicker. I slowly feel the congestion filling my sinus section of my face. I really could not believe that I was getting sick. I had the slightest optimism that it would be better in the morning but LOL nope. I woke up with a sore throat, congestion, and the feeling that I just get knocked out by a heavy weight professional boxer.
I called my mom to let her know how I was feeling. Of course the typical Irish mother she prescribed lots of fluids, cough and cold medicine, a trip to the health center and plenty of tea.
Tea is one of my favorite drinks of all time. It is just so comforting. I saw a post on tumblr that said that tea is like a bath for your insides and I couldn't agree with that statement more. So I am currently overdosing in tea if there is such a thing in hopes that I can drown out this sickness with several cups of black tea light and sweet with half and half.
I decided to take a nap after I went to dinner tonight and so now I have to complete all my work due tomorrow. I take full responsibility for the fact that I will probably be up until 2 or 3 but hey, at least I loved my make up today and had a really cute outfit.
Ta ta,
I just wanted to mention briefly my current music obsession which is Once Upon A Dream by Lana Del Rey from the Maleficent movie. I am SO EXCITED for this movie to come out. I literally cannot wait. Also all my social media links are below if you want to follow me that would be awesome. Thanks!!
twitter: @jkeeens
instagram: jaymeekeenan