Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Snow day

This morning I woke up to a great surprise.  My alarm went off at 8, I checked my phone and I saw the text saying that classes were canceled.  It was the perfect way to start the day.  Then I went back to sleep.  When I did wake up, all I did was hang out all day.  It was great.  I watched Netflix and scrolled through tumblr all day.  

It is still snowing in upstate New York.  It is supposed to stop in a few hours.  I would love it if we didn't have classes tomorrow but I don't think that would happen.  

There is something so beautiful about snow.  It brings me back to my childhood.  It is so magical, so innocent, so pure.  I love sleigh riding when I was a kid.  I live on a hill but it goes down to the street.  My mom and dad would catch us before we went into the street.  If we didn't sleigh ride in the yard, we would sleigh ride at my elementary school which has a great hill for sleigh riding.  I absolutely loved it.  I wish that I could go back to those days.  That's why I love spending time with my cousins when there are snow days because it doesn't matter how many times they go down a hill they still have the same facial expression every time.  

I'm going home this weekend and I'm so happy.  I miss my family so much even though it's only been a few weeks into the semester, I feel likes its been an eternity.    

Anyway I am off the the land of readings, textbooks, and homework known as college.  More tomorrow.

Ta ta,

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