Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Spring Break

Spring break is like this glamorous tradition for college students to go away and party their asses off. I remember watching the Spring Break specials on MTV.  They always looked like so much fun just being on a beach with no parental supervision dancing and partying all day long.  However now that I am a college student my views have completely changed.

I honestly cannot wait to just be in my bed until like 12 everyday.  The idea of being able to sleep until the middle of the day is honestly so exciting as lame as that sounds.  I am busy with school and clubs and all that jazz.  I have 10 days until I go home and yes I have a countdown because that's how excited I am.  

Next week is supposed to be "midterm week." But I actually don't have any midterm tests which is weird.  I had two tests last week in two classes but those were just routine exams that took place at the end of the units.  The only thing that I have to do that has the word "midterm" associated with it is a midterm portfolio for my writing class.  But get this, next week we don't have class at all, just a conference for this portfolio.  I will still have a lot of work to do for the class but I am able to work on it on my time which is nice but I also feel like I'm going to need to keep on top of myself and make sure I am not leaving everything for the last minute. 

My spring break happens to fall over St. Patrick's day.  I haven't done a lot in the past to celebrate.  When I was four I actually had the pleasure of walking in the parade which was pretty cool.  The picture below is of me in my parade outfit, sorry I couldn't get it the right way but it's still pretty cute.

This year I am super excited because I am going to the parade with my friends and then we are going back to my friends house to sleepover.  I am going to Spencer's soon to get a bunch of stuff for the parade.  I am so excited to dress up and I know me and my friends are just going to have the best time.  

follow me on other social media :)

twitter: @jkeeens
instagram: jamymeekeenan


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