Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Getting Sick

In college, disease is everywhere.  Whether its an STD, common cold, pink eye, and everyone's favorite: the flu.  The flu is an illness that can strike at any time of year but it loves to rear its ugly head during the winter months especially.  This season in particular when I got back from winter break my three of my close friends had the flu.  Like straight up flu with medicine and the whole bit.  My roommate was also sick for a period of time.  One thing they don't tell you about college is that when you are sick, you simply have to trudge on.  You have to keep up with your work and this means sometimes you have to go to class sick.  This being said when these people that I spend a lot of time with at school got sick, I assumed eventually I would succumb to flu.  To my surprise this didn't happen.

Then I went home this weekend.  We had a long weekend so I went home.  I really don't know what is it about going but I never seem to get enough sleep.  I am constantly just going going and never really get enough sleep.  So I get back to school Sunday and everything is fine.  Last night I am studying and I can feel myself getting sicker.  I slowly feel the congestion filling my sinus section of my face.  I really could not believe that I was getting sick.  I had the slightest optimism that it would be better in the morning but LOL nope.  I woke up with a sore throat, congestion, and the feeling that I just get knocked out by a heavy weight professional boxer.  

I called my mom to let her know how I was feeling.  Of course the typical Irish mother she prescribed lots of fluids, cough and cold medicine, a trip to the health center and plenty of tea.  

Tea is one of my favorite drinks of all time.  It is just so comforting.  I saw a post on tumblr that said that tea is like a bath for your insides and I couldn't agree with that statement more.  So I am currently overdosing in tea if there is such a thing in hopes that I can drown out this sickness with several cups of black tea light and sweet with half and half.  

I decided to take a nap after I went to dinner tonight and so now I have to complete all my work due tomorrow.  I take full responsibility for the fact that I will probably be up until 2 or 3 but hey, at least I loved my make up today and had a really cute outfit.

Ta ta,

I just wanted to mention briefly my current music obsession which is Once Upon A Dream by Lana Del Rey from the Maleficent movie.  I am SO EXCITED for this movie to come out.  I literally cannot wait.  Also all my social media links are below if you want to follow me that would be awesome.  Thanks!!

twitter: @jkeeens
instagram: jaymeekeenan
tumblr: www.allwastedd.tumblr.com

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Snow day 2

Welcome to my life where I stay up late watching youtube videos/netflix, question my entire being, do my homework, go to sleep, wake up the next morning, and do it all over again.  

Anyway, today I had a snow day and it was great to just stay in bed and hang out.  I did get my laundry done and that was the extent of my productiveness.  There was a chocolate fountain at the dining hall which was AMAZING!!  I personally love bananas when there is a chocolate fountain.  And there was bananas so I was a happy camper.  

They really don't tell you so many things about college.  When I start my youtube channel I am going to talk about what people don't tell you about college.  One thing is how much friggen laundry you do.  I swear I do so much more laundry at school than at home.  There's the cute outfit you wear to class, the lounge around outfit you wear in your dorm room and then pjs at night.  And then if you work out that day then you have another outfit right there.  Not to mention how socks get so gross from walking around a dorm room floor.  So. Much. Laundry.

I have so many things that I want to say about college so maybe I will do a little series of posts about college life.  Stay tuned for more on that.

I have 75 pages of reading waiting for me to do because I will probably have class tomorrow in which case I will need to know the information that I am about to read.  More tomorrow.

Ta ta,

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


I have decided that I am going to start couponing.  I know they have the show "Extreme Couponers" on TLC and I always thought they were so ridiculous and the show was so exaggerated.  However, my aunt is now couponer and herself and she saves a ton of money on things she buys for her family. Being a college student, I would love getting good deals on things I need.  I just need to get my hands on circulars since I don't currently get the newspaper that I would at home.  I discovered a website that you can go on every week and see what coupons they have.  The website is www.coupons.com.  I went to Target today and got a whole bunch of things I needed and before going there I checked the website.  Unfortunately, they didn't have coupons for any of the items I needed.  I really need to figure out a way to get circulars of the stores I shop at so I can see whats on sale every week.

Also can we just talk about this storm thats reeking havoc on the east coast.  I mean the area where my school is is expected to get around 14 inches of snow.  If there was a snow day two weeks in a row I would be so happy.  Just sleeping in and chilling out all day sounds perfect to me.  I also only have one class on Friday so I don't have to worry about too much work.  

This weekend is my friends birthday so we are celebrating Friday and Saturday nights and then her actual birthday is Monday.  I am excited to go out nonetheless I just don't have any desire to be party hopping in these absolutely freezing temperatures.  The worst is being at a party and not having a place to put it for fear of it being stolen or thrown up on by some drunk party goer.  

Oh and lets not forget that Valentines day is on Friday.  I don't know why people make such a big deal about it honestly.  My parents don't even get each other gifts for Valentines day so I never grew up thinking that it was a major holiday.  Although my mom has a staggering amount of Valentines decorations and I know they are set up all over the house even though I'm not home to see all of them.  She even buys all red starbursts to put in her heart shaped ceramic bowls that have their temporary home on the coffee table.  I am planning on going out on Friday and forgetting completely that it is even a holiday.  Hope you all have a good day!!

Ta ta,

Monday, February 10, 2014

Coffee Break

I am currently sitting in the coffee place that we have on campus and I felt that this was such an appropriate place to write a blog post.  I don't drink coffee though, I prefer tea and I really only drink chia and black tea.  Today I have gone for a chai latte and an egg sandwich.  I had two classes this morning and I have another in about two hours.  I went home this weekend which was so nice.  I didn't really go home home though I stayed at my cousin's house.  It was so nice to be there.  I got to just relax on the couch and watch the olympics.  I was also able to visit my uncle in the hospital.  This is the first time I am sharing this information on this blog.  Back in September of 2013, my uncle was surfing and a wave came down on top of him.  He hit the sand and broke his neck.  He has been in the hospital for four months now.  He still does not have use of his arms and legs.  This has been a huge hit on my family.  The emotional toll is sometimes hard to deal with being at school because I just want to be surrounded by my family when they are three hours away.  My grades suffered because of this event that happened.  We hope and pray every day for him to recover as much as possible.  I was able to see him on Friday evening and talk to him and it was a great visit.  His community has been amazing and I went to a fundraiser for him on Saturday which was just incredible.  I was able to meet so many people whose lives he has touched.  

Anyway now that that explanation is out there I can return to the present.  I have to say I love going to a big school and all but not having my car is so annoying.  Grocery shopping is such a pain and getting home means at least five hours of transpiration either by bus exclusively or by bus and train.  Either way its a grade A pain in my ass just to get home.  Next year I will be a sophomore and therefore able to have my car on campus which will be a blessing.  One thing that is nice about my location is that there are several hotels directly across the street from my campus and they offer parking for freshman for $40 a month to park your car there.  It's something to consider.  The only obstacle I would have are my parents who probably won't be on board with me parking my car in a hotel garage.  Further investigation will have to happen so I can make a full presentation on the benefits of me having my car with me.  

Being in this coffee shop has reminded me of the song Coffee Break by Forever the Sickest Kids which I just looked up on youtube and I am currently listening to it.  It brings me back to middle school days.  Ahh I wish I was back, barely any responsibilities, minimal work just living the life.  Anyway that's just another day in the life of a typical college teenager. 

Ta ta,

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Snow day

This morning I woke up to a great surprise.  My alarm went off at 8, I checked my phone and I saw the text saying that classes were canceled.  It was the perfect way to start the day.  Then I went back to sleep.  When I did wake up, all I did was hang out all day.  It was great.  I watched Netflix and scrolled through tumblr all day.  

It is still snowing in upstate New York.  It is supposed to stop in a few hours.  I would love it if we didn't have classes tomorrow but I don't think that would happen.  

There is something so beautiful about snow.  It brings me back to my childhood.  It is so magical, so innocent, so pure.  I love sleigh riding when I was a kid.  I live on a hill but it goes down to the street.  My mom and dad would catch us before we went into the street.  If we didn't sleigh ride in the yard, we would sleigh ride at my elementary school which has a great hill for sleigh riding.  I absolutely loved it.  I wish that I could go back to those days.  That's why I love spending time with my cousins when there are snow days because it doesn't matter how many times they go down a hill they still have the same facial expression every time.  

I'm going home this weekend and I'm so happy.  I miss my family so much even though it's only been a few weeks into the semester, I feel likes its been an eternity.    

Anyway I am off the the land of readings, textbooks, and homework known as college.  More tomorrow.

Ta ta,

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


So I am completely turning this blog on it's head and decided it's going to be more of a personal diary where I can just completely open up and maybe reach out to a few people.  I am trying to build a business for myself of doing hair and make up for people at my college since I am good at both and love making people look and feel amazing.  I am working on presenting myself in an appealing way by dressing better and I am trying, although it doesn't always happen, to do my hair and make up every day.  This is hard when I absolutely love sleep and getting up in the morning is a struggle.  I also have personal demons like everyone else and I want to maybe work through those on this blog and maybe I can grow as a person and also reach out to others.  

It is World Cancer Day which just makes me reflect on the many people that I have lost to cancer. the people in my life who are fighting cancer, and the people who have beat it.  I do a lot for Relay For Life which is an international organization that raises money for the American Cancer Society.  Relay For Life is one of my passions and I am involved with it in my home community and on my campus at school.  Being involved in these organizations gives me peace of mind knowing that what I am doing is helping people in their battles against this horrible disease.

Other current things in my life are I am facing addictions to tumblr, Law and Order SVU, and flappy bird.  They are very distracting and disrupting my learning process.

Also where I go to school is expected to get a lot of snow tomorrow and I am praying for classes to be cancelled so I can feed my addictions.  Oops.  I hope where ever you are in the world you are happy and healthy.  More tomorrow

Ta ta,