College is great don't get me wrong but what they don't tell you is that when your roommate gets sick, you get sick. My roommate has been congested and coughing for a few days and I thought I was in the clear until I woke up this morning. My throat is not feeling too hot. I just am like tired and achy all over. It's times like these that I wish I had my bed and I could just call it an early night and just veg out. But I'm a college student and that isn't really an option. I really don't like going to the doctor for small things like this or taking cold medicine so I think I'm just going to try and eat a few apples every day and up my water intake. These two things will help to flush out my system and hopefully give me a little more energy and motivation. I might have a cup of decaf tea a little later because there is something about tea that is so comforting and healing.
Ta ta
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